Welcome to RCAL


We are the Independent
Living Center located
in Kingston, New York.

Founded in 1983, RCAL belongs to a network of approximately 62 Independent Living Centers scattered throughout New York State. RCAL‘s founder, Joan Gundersen, saw a real need for education and advocacy after having become disabled herself. Today, RCAL continues to advocate for the rights and needs of individuals of all ages with disabilities.

The mission of Independent Living Centers is to enhance the ability of persons with all types of disabilities to determine their own destinies, participate in all aspects of society and contribute to and share their responsibility in community life. To this end, centers pursue objectives that address the personal needs of consumers as well as improve social and environmental aspects of their local communities.

RCAL staff assist individuals with negotiating systems – from housing and Social Security to education – so that they can maintain their independence in the community.

Through Advocacy and Education, we create accessibility and promote independent living
for individuals with disabilities
and the community as a whole.

Your Independence is our Mission.


Please view the video below to learn
more about what we do at RCAL.